A few weeks ago a family friend came in to visit us here in Provo. She had just gotten over a stomach bug that had been going around her in-laws that was pretty nasty, but no one thought anything about it. Usually when you have been well a few days you don't transmit the sickness...right? WRONG!! Next my niece Rilyn got sick, then it was my husband, then my sister Emily, then my sister Nen, then my mom, then my dad, then my nephew John.
We figured after this had been going on for about a week that everyone else was in the clear. But as Nen, Rilyn, John, Ryan, and my mom went to California to visit my brother Dan and his wife Jazmine the virus struck again! The travelers had even been well for days before they left! Then Jazmine's friend got it, then Dan and Jazmine themselves, then my brother Ryan, then Jazmine's family.
Wow it has been a grueling few weeks! I thought I was safe, but now I am sick too! The only people who have escaped this super contagious bug are Nen's husband Tom, and my grandma. Everyone else who has come in contact with one of the sick people has caught it!
This really feels like something out of a horror movie! I cannot believe how virulent it is. The symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, cramping, and malaise. So beware...it could come to you next!
On a brighter note, all my family is coming into town next weekend. I am so excited!